Privacy Policy
App: Astra 28°E Frequency Channels

The application has been developed so as not to transmit to the developer or to third parties any data about your contacts or other sensitive data User.
The author does not collect; does not keep it to disclose any user data.
The source code was developed so that the developer does not have access to sensitive data, it does not transmit sensitive user data to third parties.
If you notice that the application is in breach of the rules of confidentiality, you can report it by email to the developer.

Thank you


  1. hello good day, if you created the contact export application, I would like to contact you because I have a great idea for you.

    If you want you can connect with me on telegram.
    my telegram is +1305 707-0346 or enter my group

    I have something super for you for your application to export contacts


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